How to Gather Information with Google Dorking

find out information with google hacking - Google dorking has often been used by many people to look for hidden information. The benefits of Google dorking apart from that are looking for potential security gaps on websites, looking for digital traces, and looking for juicy information that is accidentally indexed on Google and can be searched by everyone in search engines. `Free Google Dork`

Google Dorking can be used as a tool to make investigations easier in looking for clues, evidence, and so on. However, students can use it to search for relevant journals and articles.

What is Google Dorking?

Google dorking can also be called Google hacking. By dorking, we can narrow the search to find relevant topics. This relevant topic could be a journal, article, or sensitive information that should not be searchable, such as identity cards, family cards, and the like.

Usefull Query for Dorking

inurl — Useful for narrowing search results to URLs that contain the word you are looking for or that contain the word you are looking for.

Example of using inurl

- inurl:/admin/

- inurl:/uploads/

- inurl:/ktp/

intext — The point is to narrow down the search results so that they are relevant to the words you are looking for.

Example of using intext

- intext:"username"

- intext:"administrator login"

intitle — Its purpose is to narrow search results in the form of titles to articles, websites, and the like.

Example of using intitle

- intitle:"administrator login"

- intitle:"admin login"

- intitle:"register admin"

filetype / ext — To narrow the search, it displays certain extensions depending on what extension is specified. You can use ext or filetype

Example of using filetype or ext

- ext:pdf 

- ext:docx

- fitetype:pdf

site — To narrow the search depending on the particular website or domain of the country you want to search for so that it is more relevant to the source of the country you are searching for.

Example of using site

- site:id

- site:my

- site:sg

+ — The plus symbol is considered a replacement for a space.

Example of using plus symbol

- intext:"username" + "password"

Combine the Query for Information Gathering

The queries above can be combined and developed as needed. Either inurl, intitle, intext, or filetype.

Example of combining queries

- filetype:pdf + + intext:"keyword"

For example, this query limits the search to only search for documents with the PDF extension, limits the Scribd website, and narrows the search to only websites that contain the specified keywords.

Google Dorking

Many people are careless and don't know about information security, either intentionally or unintentionally, or even don't know about uploading someone's personal data to the internet, whether to Scribd or other websites.


So by combining the queries above, it allows us to look for treasure; treasure here means secret information on the internet, with Google dorking in addition to searching for relevant topics or to gather information and combine it. The information here can be used to profile someone, look for information on buildings, businesses, and so on.